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Why it’s a Great Time to Purchase Your New Home

17 August 2020

Buying a house can often seem more difficult than renting especially if you live in the heart of the city. Putting that initial 20% deposit together can often seem like a more difficult task than it is worth. However, with falling house prices and new government schemes it might be

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How We Can Help You With Business Loans

10 August 2020

On top of helping you with home loans, our team can also assist you when it comes to financing your business. Whether it be in the form of business loans, car loans or equipment loans we can help you find loan options for your business and guide you through the

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Should You Be Refinancing Your Rental Property?

3 August 2020

As with any investment it is important to constantly be aware of any changes in the market or economic climate. The current market has changed dramatically with drastically reduced interest rates. If you are currently paying off your rental property you can potentially save thousands of dollars on interest by

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Homebuilder Scheme: A Brief Overview

27 July 2020

Are you a first home buyer looking to purchase or build your dream home? The HomeBuilder scheme is a newly announced scheme by the government in light of the current economic situation, designed to help people buy or build their first home. With guidance from our expert team of brokers,

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